TinTin bellringing methods
A reference for Method ringing campanologists
Contains over 17,000 ringing methods for study or for a quick reminder whilst in the belfry
- Method search by name and stage
- Editable favourites list - keep a smaller list of methods handy for quick view
- Full list, loads in the background
- Grid display
- Toggle coloured bell lines on and off
- quick select single bell line mode
- zoom in and out with multi-column display
- Supports iOS4 multitasking

choose method - favourites list
Quickly select a bellringing method from your list of favourite methods.
Search for more methods using the magnifying glass, or the full list (loads in in the background)

choose method - full list
Select a bellringing method from the extensive list provided, use the index on the right to quickly move through the list.
In edit mode, add / remove methods from your favouries list by tapping the appropriate method. (also available in search).

search for a method
Search for a particular method by entering a part of its name in the search box.
Methods are divided by the number of working bells from minor (4) to maximus (12)

display method
show/hide the title bar with a single tap
Zoom in and out to display less or more detail
scroll through the method by dragging or by double tapping in the top or bottom corners.

change view options
Turn on/off grid lines
Enable individual bell lines and quickly show a single bell line (solo)
change options for solo view - show bell numbers for the solo bell, the solo bell and the bell it is following, all bells or no bells at all.